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عرض المشاركات من فبراير, 2017

Can an unintelligent person still accomplish great things?

Let's rephrase.. how intelligence is related to success. Is there a linear, direct relationship between success and intelligence?   To answer the main question, I can say YES! And in order not to waste your and my time in a long essay, I prefer to refer to "Forrest Gump" -the Hollywood movie-, it says all that I want to say in a better and more interesting way. Forrest Gump But we need to discuss some issues. The term “Intelligence” is some stupid in fact, whenever we use this term, we always mean the one’s analytical skills. But this is not right. Your analytical, numerical, logical, etc skills can make you a good researcher or scientist.. but it won’t help you be a good football player, writer, actor, or manager. So, it is better to start thinking of different types of intelligence. According to the theory of multiple intelligences developed by Howard Gardner; human beings have about ten types or forms of intelligence like musical, visual...